Wednesday, August 20, 2008


There was some man out in the shop talking with Daddy. His green car was parked south of the house.

“Who’s that out there?” Jenny asked.

"It looks like Mac Reed,” said Mother.

Margaret turned to Jenny and said, “You ought to know him. He’s your future father -in-law.”

“Well, I just despise him,” Jenny declared. “I’m going to kick him over the moon.”

“You shouldn’t say that, Margaret teased. “You know how you love Donnie Duane.”

Jenny didn’t think little boys were any good at all. They played rough games and broke your toys and said naughty things. She was sure it would be a nicer world if there were just men, women and little girls.

Donnie Duane was a curly haired rosy cheeked little boy of four. Mother said he sure was a cute little fellow. Jenny was five. One time he came along with his mother for an afternoon visit. It was when Margaret was at school. Mother told Jenny to get out her toys and play with him. Jenny dragged out all the toys she owned, thinking he would think them just as wonderful as she did. He had given the Japanese parasol a whack on the floor, breaking it in two. He said Jenny didn’t have any good toys, so they played outside in the dirt. He dug a hole in the dirt with a sharp stick and threw dirt in Jenny’s face. After a while he asked, “Do you want to see me “Pee Pee?” Jenny watched in amazement. He didn’t “go” like girls. She had never seen anything like that. Were all boys like this? Then she did remember seeing something different when her 12 year old cousin changed her baby brother’s diaper, but she hadn’t asked anyone about it.

“You do love him and he loves you,” Margaret persisted. “Someday you’ll marry him and have a whole lot of curly haired children.”

Jenny said, “I know who your boyfriend is. It’s Vern Goodell ‘cause you were in a play with him and he sent you a Valentine.” Margaret paid no attention. She’d been through much worse
teasing at school from older more accomplished teasers,so Jenny’s teasing didn’t count at all.

Margaret sang:

Jenny’s mad and I am glad
And I know what will please her
A bottle of ink to make her stink
A bottle of wine to make her shine
And Donnie Duane to kiss her.

Jenny covered up her ears and stomped into the far bedroom, but Margaret followed, singing the dreadful song again and again.

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